WORKSHOP (Longsword)

Checkmate please! aka Advanced strategy and tactics in HEMA

The Advanced strategy and tactics workshop seeks to explore the ways and philosophy behind the various attacks and combos we may deploy in sparring situations. Whether you prefer to act (attack or defend) in sparring situations intuitively or you’re a cautious or even a fearless fighter this workshop will definitely give you some ideas to think about; we will examine some specific traps, luring and generally the way how to get our opponent exactly where we want to. Besides rigorous practice, warm-up and a lot of fun we will have a controlled sparring session so protection gear (a mask, gloves, groin and chest protection) is obligatory.

Equipment: longsword,  mask, gloves, groin and chest protection

Level: Any


Martin Fabian has been actively fencing since 2003. Starting in a stage combat/reenactment group, in 2006 he switched his interest solely to surviving original works dealing with historical European martial arts (HEMA). He is the author of multiple transcriptions, translations, articles and other notable works dealing with fencing and related matter. In 2018 he authored a book “Master’s Lichtenauer’s fencing”, an anthology of a few medieval treatises in the tradition of Johannes Lichtenauer.

Martin’s prime interest is longsword (mainly German tradition) and rapier (Fabris, Giganti), but he has also practiced other weapons – messer, sidesword, dagger, polearms, modern sabre, wrestling. Currently, he lives in Bratislava, Slovakia where he founded and leads Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok (Bratislava Fencing Society) with 60 active members. Long-term international instructor, active tournament participant.